

New board elected.

At this year's local party congress on November 13th, 2021, board elections were again on the agenda. The long-time local chairman Roger Ritter made his office available. Under the supervision of meeting leader Carsten Möller from the FDP district association, Marlon Tappe stood for election as chairman, Dieter Grothe as his deputy, Sarah Ritter as press officer, Lisa Ritter as treasurer and Roger Ritter as assessor.

The new board of directors: from left assessor Roger Ritter, press officer Sarah Ritter, chairman Marlon Tappe, deputy chairman Dieter Grothe and treasurer Lisa Ritter

Corona and the Infection Protection Act

Considerable legal and factual objections were raised against the amendment to the Infection Protection Act and the curfews contained therein. The CDU / CSU and SPD in the German Bundestag have decided on it anyway. We Free Democrats believe that the pandemic can be fought without disproportionate interference with fundamental rights. That is why we advocate the protection of fundamental rights with a complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court.

The Free Democrats criticize the decisions of the latest vaccination summit as disappointing. Germany needs practicable solutions to speed up the vaccination process and get out of lockdown as quickly as possible.

Economic output in Germany fell sharply in the first quarter of 2021. We call for greater efforts for a powerful economic recovery after the crisis.

We need a re-establishment of our country

The attitude that the German state can and regulates everything has been eroded by the pandemic, Christian Lindner analyzes the current situation. "If we look at the situation in our country, then we have to recognize the lie that we would live in an orderly and well-organized community." There are enormous deficits in the digitization of the state and in education and Germany's competitiveness has declined massively. At the same time, the power of freedom is far too underestimated. Personal responsibility, inventiveness and entrepreneurship should experience a renaissance, according to Lindner: "We need a re-establishment of our country."

Is it ignorance? "The never ending story"

We cannot quite understand the violent dissenting votes from the other parties.

The FDP Augustdorf congratulates Mr. Thomas Kratzer on his election victory

Die FDP Fraktion Gratuliert Herrn Kratzer zur Wahl
Summary and status report on sewage sludge disposal

Mayoral candidate Lisa Ritter at meetings with Christian Lindner

The local association Augustdor also wishesf

We welcome our newest member.

We are happy to introduce our newest member Denise Vaupel. Ms. Vaupel would like to be involved in the political events of the FDP parliamentary group Augustdorf in the future.
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