Budget speech by the FDP parliamentary group chairman Roger Ritter, on the occasion of the adoption of the 2020 municipal budget on February 27, 2020 in the council of the Augustdorf municipality.
The spoken word is valid!
Dear Mayor Dr. Wulf, ladies and gentlemen of the council and ladies and gentlemen,
Much has been said by previous speakers when the budget was brought in, to which I can also agree.
Again we don't have a balanced budget, can we get the light at the end of the tunnel?
Nothing has changed in the country allocations, the calculation basis and the percentage rate that disadvantages municipalities and favors large cities. In the redistribution of 60% of the allocations, 40% go to the population.
For this, however, we have a resolution passed by the Council, which our mayor also understands.
Even so, we have enough problems that urgently need to be resolved.
Last year, the expectations and wishes of the citizens were greater than our possibilities. This year it will probably also look like this, but we have shown a sense of proportion with this budget and there are positive things to report:
There is substantial investment in the Heidepark and in the schools.
At Dören and also in construction area 12, things continue after years of stagnation and on the initiative of the SPD, FWG and FDP parliamentary groups. At this point I have to thank you for the good cooperation between the SPD parliamentary group and the FWG parliamentary group with the FDP parliamentary group. Without our coming together, the citizens would have come to a standstill and become annoyed. I recommend to the mayor to speak to all citizens at eye level in the future and to speak a clear word for global companies. This is the only way to get ahead!
In view of the autumn elections, it is appropriate to look back over the past few years in terms of what we have achieved or have tackled. Here I recommend a newspaper report from the Lippische Landeszeitung from 2015, where the FDP parliamentary group submitted an application that includes the future use of the Rühlmannstätte, the old school and the Erich Kästner school. This application was rejected by the votes of the CDU, SPD and FWG. As you can imagine, thanks to the good cooperation and persuasion, the youth center stayed in the old school, plans were made for the Rühlmannstätte and the Erich Kästner school was rebuilt.
In addition, the public transport was addressed, here too, requests from the FDP parliamentary group have to be processed in the committees.
Now there are enough words for the moment; action must continue to follow, together with the citizens and for the citizens, with an eye on the budget.
I would like to thank the administrative staff for working out the proposed budget, which the FDP parliamentary group approves
And of course you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your patience and attention, which you showed me as the last speaker.
For the FDP parliamentary group
Roger knight